Coding for Fun – Building a Simple Game

I know this may come as a shock to some readers, but I love writing computer programs. Alas, my code-writing time is somewhat limited these days. So I try to find some side projects which won’t consume too much time, with little overhead and will still be interesting enough to be considered fun.

So I turned to games, of the computerized kind. It still requires quite some coding, but fairly isolated from other dependencies, and not too complicated. If the game is simple enough, you can end up with a working prototype in one or two evenings. Plus, you end up with something you can play with and manual testing (shiver… ) is more fun.

Aside from having a fun end result, games can be a great practice for a lot of subjects in programming. User interfaces is an obvious one; but think also how you model data structure for a game, use AI, persist state (or not), deploy it, etc.

In this post (with follow ups) I’d like to go through the process of one such game I created, completely in JS. I’ll go through the actual evolution and design choices and try to show the interesting evolution points in the code. This is not intended as an ultimate guide to how write such a (simple) game. Nor do I claim to show the best way to write it, only one specific way. The objective is to show how the design decisions are made, and how they’re reflected in actual code.

The Game: Mancala

In this case, I chose a fairly simple 2-player game called Mancala. I’m far from an expert on the game itself, but after playing it a few times with my kids, I can relate to how simple and yet not trivial game it can be. The simplicity of the rules and user interface lends it self perfectly for a simple project that can be expressed in code fairly easily.

I won’t dive into the details and rules of the game itself, only where it’s needed. If you need a short description of the game rules, this 1-pager does a decent job of it. Otherwise, google is your friend.

Where relevant, I will refer to the rules of the game, and specify where and if I took some liberty for the programmed version.

Before Coding – Choosing a Path

My main purpose here is to provide a step by step explanation of how the game was created and why. But before we dive into that, I believe it’s worth having some kind of an idea of what we want to achieve, and why. This step is often referred to as “Design”1.

Besides having fun coding, my goal is to create a game that is easily deployed and played, with minimal dependencies on libraries, and can be played by as many people as possible, on standard modern technical infrastructure.

Enter Javascript and a Browser.

So as a first choice, I choose to have this deployed as a purely Javascript-based application (in a web page), with no server component. Running the game is as simple as pointing the browser to a web page and loading it. This of course means that there’s no persisted game state (we could use local storage, but I don’t see the need so far), no user identity that’s relevant, etc. It’s just a game. Also, running the entire game in a single JS file, makes it easier to run in a different scenario, i.e. not just in a browser, but more on that later.

I use npm for package management, with webpack to package it all into a single JS file. This results in a simple deployment – an HTML + single JS file that contains all the game.

Naturally, some libraries are used to make life easier when coding, but I try to minimize the use of libraries as well.

The Code

The code for the game itself can be found in this github repo (ignore other folders in that repo). I’ll be going through the different commits to show how it was built, and link back to this repo.

Before diving into actual code, I believe some high level explanation on how the code is structured can help a lot. Note that the code structure changes and evolves during development, but the basic simple pattern is stable enough and should be kept in mind2.

Mancala Game High Level Components

At a very high level, the code is centered around 3 main components:

  1. The Board module is essentially a data structure maintaining a board state – how many stones are in each cell, etc.
  2. The BoardUI module is what draws the board into an HTML canvas. It queries the board to understand what to draw and then translates that into shapes to be drawn on the canvas. The drawing itself timed by the MancalaGame module.
  3. The MancalaGame module is the glue connecting all the parts. It gets UI events, translates them into changes in the board state, and times the redrawing of the board. This is where all the game rules are encoded.

The actual manifestation of this design changed a bit as the code evolved, and we’ll see that when we look into the code; but the core thinking is pretty much the same throughout.

Next, we’ll start looking at the code, specifically how we draw the board.


  1. Don’t worry, while it’s going to be somewhat upfront, it’s not going to be *big* upfront
  2. For an explanation on the notation of this diagram refer to my explanation here.

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